Zellie - Dream Interpretation and Angel Card Reading in Linz
Chat with Zellie - Dream Interpretation and Angel Card Reading in Linz online. 10-15 years of experience in Angel Card Reading. SPECIAL OFFER EVERY 1ST AND 16TH DAY OF THE MONTH REDUCED PRICES OF 1,99 PER CREDIT I am a Reiki-practioner and master and also for over 10 years. as well as a no tools reader and clairvoyant, WELL KNOWN TV PERSONALITY IN THE NETHERLANDS. I used to be on daily basis on the Dutch Television and gave daily readings with the program ASTRO TV for over 2 years. You can consult me with your life questions as well as business related questions, I will coach you to reach your maximum potential or help you to set and achieve your goals in life. As I am a born psychic and empath I can easily tune-in on energie fields as well as I can pick up thoughts. But not only that, because of my abilities I have also educated myself in general on esoteric topics as I--tjing, numerologist and Tarot. I also studied on the University of Professional Education of coaching and counseling, as well as I studied for one year psychology on the Free University of Amsterdam. That over all package of of gifts/knowledge and experiience, is what I have on board to help you on your life path. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions you do not wish to share with your friends and or family. Remember, I have no personal interest in the outcome of what you ask. And therefore for you I am a complete neutral third party and only concerned with your well being. If you have trouble with a broken relationship and you can not get over it, I can help you to get back on track with you own life and make room for new experiences and meet new people with my self developed method so you can get rid of that terrible love sickness that will hold you back from moving on in your life. or I can tell you if there is any change that your loved one will return. Either way you have something to hold on to and get a grip on your life situation. it is also possible that I see a change of reconciliation but that is not written in stone. In that case I will provide you with guidance and useful information on how to repair your broken relationship. Do you have para-normal experiences and do not know how to handle what you experience? I can help you find your way to include the extra's you have into your life, and feel good about it. Remember for 99% of your questions I can relate to them because I have been there before you :-) And since Experience is the best teacher, I can give you expert advise on the situation. Also all your business related questions are welcome. So if you have any doubt of you have an important decision to make, and you would love to have advise? Please feel free to ask my opinion as a psychic and professional business woman. I have been there and I know the way. Health issues have also a psychological background, of course we will all grow older and eventually we will pass on to another life, but in the meantime we can learn to listen to our soul, when it communicates through your body when it get's ill. I can help you to translate for you what your soul is telling you so you can improve your life by making the necessary changes. Let me be your guide to success by giving you the knowledge to get there. And start today with your life change for the best!!! ********************************************************* HELPS WITH: * Relationships and Love Issues * Sexual related problems * Anxiety and other Health problems * Psychic and Paranormal Phenomenon * Coaching of Life situations * Coaching in business related issues * Twin soul/flame and soul family issues ******************************************************** Some testimonials from those who were with me before you: "Zellie is a beautiful person and a wonderful reader. Just saw her do a great demo! Had a wonderful time in her demo -- I recommend folks take her private" "Wonderful demo! She felt it right away I been very pleased and honored to be in Zellie's room tonight.Blessings to you Zellie! I appreciate your help and insight." "Hi Zellie, you were very correct about everything, and it was very interesting how you could read the situation so well. You tell it as it is and very realistic. Thank you! Everyone, give Zellie a try. She is excellent!" "she picks up very quickly, before i had a chance to type my question. accurately described my situation. bummer we were disconnected but very on point and kind. Thank you Zellie~" SO DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT ME, I WILL NOT SWEET TALK YOU BUT WILL TRY TO BE AS THRU AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT HURTING YOUR FEELINGS, SO YOU CAN MAKE A SOLID DECISION WHAT TAKES YOU TO HAPPINESS. SEXUALITY is often something a lot of people have trouble to talk about without making fun of it. But what if you and your sexual partner encounter difficulties and can not find each other? Who do you turn to? Well you are very welcome with all your questions with me/ I DO NOT BLUSH EASILY, and nether I am shocked, just here to get thru a difficult period or maybe a false start. Talk to me to find out what you can do in this area to improve your relationship. SO PLEASE FEEL FREE AND DO NOT HESITATE TO FIND YOUR THRU SELF IN YOUR BEDROOM. You deserve to be the best version of yourself you can be. Cutting unwanted energies cords. Do you experience that there are connections that are not to you benefit and the trouble you?? Thru Reiki I can detangle these energies cords en free you of unwanted attachments.
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